Preview the new Code For America “Seattle Project” toolset!

Apologies for the short notice, but we received word that the fellows from Code For America will be back in Seattle this weekend.  Anna Bloom from CFA has offered to give WSBWCN a preview of the tool here in West Seattle and get some feedback from you!  So, if you want to be one of the first to see the tools they are developing for the City, and be able to provide feedback, you’ll have an opportunity this coming Saturday, 6/4, 10 AM!

WSBWCN co-founders met with the Code for America fellows  in February when they were in Seattle to meet with various groups across the city to determine the needs we had in the technological arena. The resulting “Seattle Project” is much broader than the specific needs of WSBWCN, but we’re hopeful that the resulting tools will be useful for Blockwatch groups as well as many other types of citizen groups across the city.

What:  Exclusive Preview of the online tools being developed by the Code for America group for their “Seattle Project”.  For a little more detail about this project, you can read about the CFA “Inception Event”.

When:   Saturday, 6/4,  10 – 11 AM.

What to bring:  Just yourself! If you have a laptop, please bring it
so you can test out the tools.

Where:  We’ll be at the West Seattle Branch Library (in the Meeting Room), 2306 42nd Ave. S.W., Seattle, WA 98116.

RSVP:  You don’t have to RSVP to attend; but if you could let me know you are planning to attend ( or (206) 424-2400), it would be helpful for planning purposes. The Code for America fellows plan to provide snacks, etc.


Deborah Greer

On behalf of the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network (WSBWCN)
Phone:  206-424-0040
Monthly Meeting:  4th Tuesday 6:30-8 PM, SW Police Precinct
Meeting Room (2300 SW Webster St., near the Home Depot)

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